Faye Toogood Roly Poly Chair

This was done by following The Adam's youtube modelling tutorial

Image of the finished coffee table

Modelling steps

  • Create an elipsoid
  • Change the direction of the seams using the sufrace seam command
  • Draw a curved line
  • Use the Trim tool to cut the elipsoid, leaving an open poly surface
  • Use the offset surface(inward,open) command to offset the open poly
  • Combine the 2 using the blend surface command
  • Join the 3 surfaces together using the join command
  • Draw 1 open cylinder and using the polar array tool to create 4 cylinders, forming the legs
  • Use the fillet surface tool to smoothen the transition and trim the open cylinders
  • Join all the legs and the main seat together
  • Assign the object to different layers and change the material and color as required