Doggo Stand


My desk was getting too cluttered from all the electronic devices I bought over the years. With the larger items being my Ipad and Macbook Pro 16.

Thought Process

As I was moving out from my house in 3 years time, I wanted to design something that I am able to bring along to my new home as a memory to my first project after graduating. Since my girlfriend and I both liked dogs, I decided to design a stand with dog walls.

The design was drawn to be easily manufactured for CNC/laser cutting by utilising large flat pieces. Additionally, to prevent potential scratches to my devices I opted for foam padding on the sides and bottom.


After doing some basic sketching in Fusion360, I utilised my Artillary Sidewinder X1 3D Printer to print the PLA prototype.

Additive manufacturing is my prefered choice due to my ease to the machine and its relative low cost.


I rested the devices as intended and found that the walls were stronger than I thought. The prototype was able to hold the devices with ease, thus indicating that it might be possible to reduce the overall width of the design.

DoggoStand With Toys

Potential improvements

  • Thinner walls